Is your business innovative?
Are you sure?
Innovation has many different dimensions, from innovative processes to company culture – and everything in between! We all have our strengths and weaknesses; most companies excel in creative thinking in some areas, but lack in others.
Test your overall innovativeness with our brand new Innovation Self-Assessment!
It takes less than 5 minutes – just answer a few questions about your organization and we’ll score you on the different pillars of innovation as well as provide your overall score. You’ll instantly get a dynamic report that you can use to spark discussion about the areas where your company needs to innovate.
It’s a great tool to get a quick overview of how you’re doing and get the ball rolling! Try it now.
If you’re looking for motivation to improve innovative thinking across your company, look no further than our networking group for innovative business owners and CEOs. We encourage each other to reach new heights by fostering innovation in each of the pillars you’ll learn about in the self-assessment.
Innovators Alliance is a business-to-business networking group committed to driving growth through innovation. Be our guest at an upcoming event to see what it’s all about!
Watch our video: “What Is Innovation and What Does Innovators Alliance Do?”
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