As the daylight hours shorten, colourful lights emerge to illuminate the long, dark nights. Our cozy shelters invite us to gather. This is December and, in Canada, that means it’s time to reflect and celebrate!
A month of diverse celebrations, December is a time for coworkers, families and friends to socialize together, relax and recharge. A time to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and plan for the months ahead.
Entrepreneur and personal development coach, Briony McKenzie, advises entrepreneurs to make space for resting in your business year. ‘Diligently book your rests and stick to them,’ she writes. However, she states entrepreneurs define relaxation differently depending on the stage of their business.
“Rest” McKenzie says, “means switching off, recharging and intentionally doing nothing [work-related].”
In the first stage of your business, where your personal effort makes a big difference to the success of the business, consider resting and refueling in micro re-energizing breaks (such as a short nature walk, a stretch break or a refreshment break), because if you burn out, there may be no one to carry on the business.
In the second phase of your business (when you are leading a team), the suggestion is to take a physical break away from the business to review, reflect and strategize.
For many entrepreneurs, 2022 has been a roller coaster of a year. They had to consciously redefine how their business would function in the face of unpredictable economic factors and cope with critical labour shortages.
Last December, businesses were still operating in pandemic mode if they had managed to keep their doors open. This year, it feels different. After several years of having their resilience tested, entrepreneurs are finding new normal ways of working and sensing a hum of new possibilities. There’s a reawakening of optimism tempered with caution.
According to KPMG, “A sizable majority (83%) [of small and medium-size businesses] say they are optimistic about their company’s growth over the next three years, with 82% feeling the same about their industry or sector.”
That’s something to celebrate!
And this December, it seems that companies are planning bigger celebrations with their employees and clients as a chance for people to connect and create relationships in person. “Having an event and thanking your employees is an investment [and] … a motivator for productivity,” says Patrick McGannon, owner of PM Gigs in Calgary.
However, companies may still want to offer a hybrid approach to celebrating together, given the rise in respiratory illnesses and differing levels of comfort with in-person celebrations.
As 2022 winds to a close, we look to the future with hope and expectation.
Here at Innovators Alliance, we are excited about the prospects for growth in 2023. We will begin exploring expansion across Canada, bringing our members the opportunity to meet more business owners, entrepreneurs and innovators.
If you understand the value of learning with and from other like-minded entrepreneurs, consider attending an Innovators Alliance event. Innovators Alliance is Canada’s most valued ‘idea ecosystem’ for entrepreneurs, developed by entrepreneurs.
Join us in-person or virtually in 2023 to explore a fit for you, and your business. You’ll meet other business innovators, share knowledge about handling business challenges, and discuss solutions in an atmosphere of confidentiality, respect and mutual support.
Till then, happy holidays and best wishes for the new year! Treat yourself to some precious time to relax, reflect and recharge!
- Global Forecaster Wants You to Succeed - February 22, 2023
- Are You Prepared for “the Riskiest Year” in Business? - January 19, 2023
- A Precious Gift to Yourself this Month - December 6, 2022