We’ve all heard them before, that ever elusive yet seemingly ever-present list of common characteristics of an effective CEO. And sure, maybe some of those things on that list are traits that you subscribe to on a regular basis. Many may not seem like take-it-or-leave-it type traits, but far too often many of us tend to stray more towards a certain segment of the list and toss the others to the wayside – and often for good reason. After all, not everything works as well for one person as it might for another.
Ok, so what is our point? At the risk of sounding hypocritical, we’ve found that the following 5 habits are things that, no matter the situation, the company, or the industry, all CEOs should aspire to include in their own list of effective CEO characteristics. Take each one as you will, but perhaps shortening your own list will help highlight just how important (and unimportant) some of the common traits are.
- Listen and Communicate. Bam! Common sense, we are aware. But sometimes the benefits of this are lost in the everyday shuffle. And sometimes, we like to think of ourselves as great communicators, when really we are not hearing from the right people (and often at no fault of our own). Make sure that when listening and communicating you are encouraging open communication from all – and getting it!
- Build Loyalty. Just because someone works for you does not, by any means, mean that they are loyal to you or your company. Building loyalty is a challenge no matter how you look at it, and like any relationship, trust is far tougher to establish than to break. Furthermore, be loyal to your employees – trust in them as well.
- Establish and Commit to a Set of Core Values. Again, yet another common sense habit – but is it one that you fully embrace? Make sure that the set of core values you espouse for your company is one that you yourself subscribe to, otherwise those loyal to you will quickly recognize the difference.
- Encourage Ideas and Innovation. Break down the barriers of fear that stifle creativity and lend themselves well only to a culture of remaining static. Asking for solutions, motivating others to identify and resolve problems, etc., is the best way to inspire change and foster growth.
- Be Present. Stop relying on others. It is often inevitable that some of us tend to get to a point where relying on others for daily tasks is just the way it works. But think about the impact being present will have, even when it comes to the smallest tasks. Perhaps you don’t have time to grab your own coffee all the time, but think about the ideas you can discover just from grabbing a morning java with someone you’ve spoken to very little before. Again, just change your perspective.
Sure, maybe these are habits that you already have, or maybe they are ones you’ve tried and disregarded before. Whether you choose to listen or not is totally up to you – after all, it isn’t as if this is the first list of its kind. However, even if just one thing gives you pause, we’ve helped a little, no?
For more on habits of a highly effective CEO, or to share your thoughts with other like-minded colleagues, please contact Innovators Alliance today by calling 1-905-332-0340.
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