Have you met Peter Hall? If not, you should.
That’s because he has an excellent grasp of what’s going on in the global economy and is passionate about helping Canadian businesses—especially exporters—take on the world and be successful.
It’s our good fortune that Peter is a dear friend of Innovators Alliance. We welcome him to our annual Innovation Exchange event where he updates us on all things related to Canada, exporting, and the global economy.
Founder and CEO of Econosphere inc, Peter was formerly the Vice-President and Chief Economist of Export Development Canada for 13 years. Prior to that, he was their Deputy Chief Economist.
With over 35 years of experience in economic analysis and forecasting, Peter has an expert understanding of the global economy and its interaction with the geopolitical environment. Even though his forecasts are often considered “contrary to the consensus”, his astute critical insights and forecasts have captured major movements, helping organizations position and prepare themselves appropriately.
It’s easy to find Peter. He has a weekly column in the Financial Post. He’s on LinkedIn, YouTube and Twitter. His arresting headlines promise to help us understand a current problem, and the content always delivers. Here are some of his recent postings:
Inflation isn’t the problem… so what is?
- Watch here to discover Peter’s insightful answer.
This is how Canada can fix chronic labour shortages.
- Peter points to 8 solutions that have been around for more than 20 years. His final solution is one that I think everyone would prefer to avoid. Read all 8 solutions here.
- Find out what Peter forecasts for the Canadian economy and why.
Why the Bank of Canada’s awful medicine is exactly what the economy needs .
- Just like the convincing commercial for a dreadful tasting cough syrup, Peter’s down-to-earth analysis may well make you a believer. Read more.
Peter occasionally dips into economist terminology, but his bottom line is very easy to understand, pointing to practical business strategies that will position your company to capitalize on current national and global economic and political situations.
“Getting the remedies right is critical – our future viability depends on it.”
Peter Hall
Peter regularly attends Innovators Alliance meetings and events. If you’d like to meet and learn from inspiring thought leaders and like-minded entrepreneurs, consider attending an Innovators Alliance event. Innovators Alliance is Canada’s most valued ‘idea ecosystem’ for entrepreneurs, developed by entrepreneurs.
Join us in-person or virtually to explore a fit for you and your business. You’ll meet other business innovators, share knowledge about handling business challenges, and discuss solutions in an atmosphere of confidentiality, respect and mutual support.
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