Business Innovation & Networking Blog
How Diversity Can Drive Innovation
It is no secret that diversity in the workplace is often a key driver of success, no matter the industry, and by diversity we are not just talking about gender, race, sexual orientation or ability. When it comes to diversity in the workplace, the notion should also...
Management Courage – Screw It … Just Do It!
Business innovation seems to be one of those buzz phrases that receives renewed attention every few years – but at the same time is something every manager thinks about (or at least should be thinking about) all the time. But thinking about innovating and actually...
Innovation Strategy Slow Down – Say Whaaaaat?
Having too many things on the go at one time almost always results in something being forsaken or abandoned in exchange for something new or something that seemingly takes priority. Furthermore, if you are ambitious when it comes to starting new projects but less so...
Increase Productivity with Peace and Quiet
There is a lot to be said for peace and quiet – but for many CEOs (and those we rely on) this can often be much harder to come by than we’d like, especially at work. Sure, for some it may seem easy to tune out the constant hum of the goings-on in an office...
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset – Tips for Strategic Innovation Success!
A mindset, as definition clarifies, is a set of assumptions, methods, or ideas held by an individual group that is so established it often means the continued adoption or acceptance of certain behaviours or choices. With regard to the business world, this can be a...
How Creating a Sense of Purpose Helps Develop Employee Engagement
We have all heard the horror stories about terrible customer service, or employees doing little more than what is directly expected of them, as well as the impacts that these things can have on an organization overall. When it comes right down to it, many of these...
Change Management Strategy: Investing in Knowledge and Creativity
Simply stated, change management refers to the management of change and development – how you handle the entire process of developing and implementing change within your organization. Your strategy for change management, then, centers directly on change itself. In...
Corporate Development: Teaching Employees to Read Financial Statements
A big part of corporate development is encouraging growth within your organization – sure, we all know this. But with so many different ways to go about achieving this, it can sometimes be difficult to discern which methods work well and are the most advantageous. At...
Leadership Development: 5 Ways to Recognize and Encourage a Leader
There are many definitions of leadership – some simplify the concept and define it as the individual who leads a group – but a leader, especially in business, is so much more than that – or at least they should be! You likely have your own description, and use this to...
Adapt or Die? The Importance of Continuous Innovation Management
We all know that the only way to survive in our given industries is to change, to innovate. Innovation needs to be a continuous process. Changing one thing and then assuming that one innovation will carry you through will just leave you lagging behind the competition....