Category : Business Innovation
by Roger Thenhaus | Sep 17, 2014
I had coffee the other day with Ken Tencer, author of The 90% Rule – What’s Your Next Big Opportunity and Cause a Disturbance. We got chatting about the advice he gives to Canadian Entrepreneurs and we got on the topic of his recent article in The Globe and Mail,...
by Roger Thenhaus | Sep 10, 2014
We’ve all heard them before, that ever elusive yet seemingly ever-present list of common characteristics of an effective CEO. And sure, maybe some of those things on that list are traits that you subscribe to on a regular basis. Many may not seem like...
by Roger Thenhaus | Sep 3, 2014
As an organization dedicated to helping others develop and implement business innovation, we routinely hear that change is so much easier said than done. And we can appreciate that – change is often difficult, from the beginning stages of identifying an issue to the...
by Roger Thenhaus | Aug 6, 2014
Mindsets are dangerous. A fixed mindset can bring an entire organization to a grinding halt simply by existing. What makes them even more insidious is the fact that they exist, almost undetectable, in your most trusted management team members. The unconscious...
by Roger Thenhaus | Jul 30, 2014
When it comes to innovation, many organizations struggle to find the right balance between communication and development and the issue of involving only those that “need to know.” Developing a strong, central design ethos can be difficult, but it is essential if you...
by Roger Thenhaus | Jul 17, 2014
Business innovation seems to be one of those buzz phrases that receives renewed attention every few years – but at the same time is something every manager thinks about (or at least should be thinking about) all the time. But thinking about innovating and actually...
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