Category : Business Innovation
by Peggie Pelosi | Oct 24, 2022
Many organizations are facing a dilemma: 60 percent of employees do not want to come back to the workplace after working remotely for two and a half years. At Innovators Alliance, we are seeing a similar reluctance to get back together in person, so let’s take a...
by Peggie Pelosi | May 19, 2022
Canada is experiencing a drastic shortage of workers. According to Statistics Canada, as of February 2022, over 826,000 jobs were unfilled. This article looks at reasons behind the current labour shortage, challenges for jobseekers and employers, and leads for...
by Peggie Pelosi | Jan 11, 2022
We are thrilled to announce our new app for strategic planning and innovation management: the Innovators Dashboard, a proprietary, digital strategic planning and innovation tool developed for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. This indispensable resource provides a range...
by Peggie Pelosi | Dec 22, 2021
One of the biggest challenges organizations encounter today is how to generate quality leads. This means obtaining an accurate email address and telephone number for prospects. The pandemic and work from home phenomenon has made this even more challenging as many...
by Peggie Pelosi | Nov 16, 2021
The idea of a mandatory vaccine in Canada, including a vaccine policy and mandating that employees be vaccinated, continues to be an issue that is top of mind for Canadian employers. Companies have been forced to make difficult choices. In September of 2021, we held a...
by Peggie Pelosi | Jul 24, 2020
Business leaders have been thrust into a crisis that has forced them to deal with unforeseen challenges at an accelerated timeline outside of their control. Their need to understand and embrace transformations that will reshape society and workplace culture in the...
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