The Big Idea Guru: it is no secret, there is always one who shoulders the burden within an organization, carrying the torch and manning the sails. Perhaps this is intentional, perhaps it is not, but sometimes those of us in this position get stuck in it, either by choice or force of habit. And this may not be a bad thing – it may be the reason your organization runs as effectively as it does.
However, if you are the primary (or only) provider of ideas within your organization, can you see why this might be a problem? What if that well runs dry? And what is the impact on you and your own productivity? How much pressure are you unknowingly placing on yourself to keep those ideas flowing?
Perhaps it is time to take a new approach to innovation: innovate your innovation process.
Firstly, change your perspective. You may be the Big Idea Guru – but that doesn’t mean you are the only one with good ideas (we are sure you know this). So step back, and let some other team members share that mantle. Think about ways in which to foster and nurture creativity within your organization, within different teams.
Worried that this need for creative time will then lead to a decrease in productivity? Don’t be. You need to create that creative space in order to encourage and motivate the flow of ideas. Give your team the chance to get out of the routine and be creative without fear of punishment or criticism. And this goes for all facets of your organization – you might be surprised what you learn about what is and is not working down on the shop floor, once you open up the road for new ideas. Just be sure to establish a balance – let team members know that this innovation process is important, just not more important than any other tasks.
Even just putting the bug in their ear can help get those creative juices flowing.
At some point, every entrepreneurial CEO seems to shutter at the thought of being more creative in the innovation process in order to get to the really disruptive ideas, but ultimately, it is that creativity that will lead their organization on to growth.
For more about innovating your innovation process, please contact Innovators Alliance today. We have the tools to help you get started: 905-332-0340 or visit us online at www.innovators.org.
- Are you BIG in your organization? The Big Idea Guru! - December 10, 2014
- Get Out! Innovators Alliance at SNOLab Part 2 - December 3, 2014
- A Break for Adventure: Innovators Alliance at SNOLab Part 1 - November 26, 2014