We all know the value of business-to-business networking groups; they present opportunities to expand your knowledge, learn from the success and failures of others, foster strong relationships, and share your own business experiences.
A networking group, regardless of the size, is only as good as its people. Every member has something valuable to offer: they can empathize, offer advice, and act as a sounding board for ideas.
We have identified three types of people who work together to make networking groups a success:
1. The Connection Maker
This person is the ultimate “people person.” The Connection Maker is often the member of your group who both knows and has a good relationship with just about everyone. They have a way of bringing people together and putting them at ease.
If you’re struggling to start networking strategically, look for the Connection Maker. They will open doors and help you access your peers’ innovative practices, experience, and knowledge.
The Connection Maker is all about making introductions, opening doors, and growing the network.
2. The Industry Expert
This person is always in the know when it comes to industry-specific buzz or broader business news. The Industry Expert can identify useful information when they hear it and filter out the gossip. They’re able to present new opportunities, projects, or ideas that may be beneficial for different members in the group. The Industry Expert can help you identify new advancements and seize opportunities to unleash growth.
The more Industry Experts in your group, the better – especially if your networking group is inter-disciplinary.
You’ll not only gain useful insight about your own industry, but you’ll have a more holistic understanding of the broader business environment.
3. The Innovation Amplifier
This person is always thinking about new ideas and different ways to innovate. The Innovation Amplifier is a forward-thinker, and the person in your group who offers unique suggestions or solutions during meetings.
They are usually the person who the group turns to for direction when they get stuck.
The Innovation Amplifier knows that in these times of changing customer expectations, rapid advances in technology, and digital disruption, innovation is critical to long-term success.
Get Networking!
Whether you’re a Connection Maker, Industry Expert, Innovation Amplifier, or some combination of the three, you have something to offer your networking group. Participating in a group of supportive peers provides a network of expertise and an atmosphere of growth that allows you to propel your business forward.
So, what are you waiting for? Attend a chapter meeting as our guest to see first-hand the benefits of joining our business-to-business group!
Innovators Alliance is a peer-to-peer networking group of CEOs committed to driving business growth through innovation. Join us for an upcoming event to see what it’s all about!
Is your company innovative? Try our Innovation Assessment. It only takes 5 minutes!
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